The proven toolkit for building lifelong resilience and focus.

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Quotation Mark Graphic

This toolkit is specific enough for new teachers and flexible enough for experienced teachers."

Administrator, San Antonio, TX

Hatched by experts, piloted by teachers

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The readiness recipe for kindergarten (and life!)

Through activities focused on language, storytelling, and mindfulness, EGG Toolkit helps children build focus and resilience: key capacities for success in school and life.

When children learn how to share their thoughts, reflect on their behavior, and regulate their bodies, they experience fewer meltdowns and bounce back faster when they are upset. As a result, preschool classrooms are more joyful and teachers feel successful.

At the same time, EGG helps children form a strong foundation for kindergarten readiness, addressing over half of preschool compentency standards across multiple domains.

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EGG-citing insights

Executive Function in Preschool: 6 Questions Answered for Early Childhood Educators
December 10, 2024
How to Help Preschoolers Build Self-Regulation Skills: Tips for Teachers
August 14, 2024

Key ingredients for joyful classrooms

Nurturing joy in the classroom begins with the brain. Why? Research shows children's brains develop the best when they have secure, responsive caregivers. Teachers use EGG to encourage healthy brain development in two key areas: executive function and emotional regulation. These cognitive skills help children listen to instructions, follow through on activities, reflect on their behavior, and manage their emotions.

While every child is born with the ability to develop executive function and self-regulation skills, they need the opportunity to learn. EGG helps children build their skills for focus and resilience in the following ways:


Children learn and use words to describe how they feel and what they think, also known as "internal state language."

Example: "I'm feeling sad."


Children use storytelling to talk about what they experience, called "narrative." Narratives help children to think about what to do next time.

Example: "First I shared my toy. Next, my friend smiled."


Children use mindfulness skills to "re-set" and focus during stressful situations.

Example: When a child feels stressed, they take a deep breath instead of throwing a toy.

Proven results backed
by science

Evaluation of our pilot programs show that EGG Toolkit increases executive function skills.

These results are especially significant for children who have experienced household or systemic trauma.

Brain science research shows that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) disrupt the development of executive function and self-regulation skills. Children with higher rates of ACEs may experience worse outcomes in school and face greater risks as adults that include heart disease, depression, and substance abuse.

EGG helps to buffer children against the harmful impacts of ACEs, closing opportunity gaps in childhood and supporting a lifetime of better outcomes for physical, mental, and behavioral health.

Finding Highlights


The Center for Early Education and Development at the University of Minnesota found that EGG demonstrated a significant impact on emotional descriptive language, positive age-appropriate behavior, and personal narration—all highly correlated with executive function skills.

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Language sample analysis by Salt Software determined the complexity of children’s narratives increased after using the EGG toolkit.

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Results from the Minnesota Executive Functioning Scale app from Reflection Sciences showed that children who started below the age-adjusted median for executive function scored above the age-adjusted national median after using EGG.

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Quotation Mark Graphic

“I heard the kids using more vocabulary and being more in-tune with how they felt.”

Teacher, San Antonio, TX
and Pilots
First Toolkit
and Planning
... And beyond!

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For more information on EGG Toolkit, contact John Everett Till, EGG Enterprise Manager and Senior Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at The Family Partnership.


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